Join the Energy Revolution
We have already reached $450k + $2.1 M
Let's raise $25 Million!
Your donations contribute to CLGP and our efforts to
make Pomona and Claremont the first Net Zero Cities in the country.
CHERP Locally Grown Power, a program of CHERP Inc. a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity, can create jobs, stimulate the local and state economy, provide environmental justice for low income housing and will be the lowest cost carbon mitigation program of its kind in the State.
Donate Today
Pre-order Solar Panels
1. Cash Charitable Donation
2. Donate Panels to Others - $10,000
(Pay $10,000 now for a 5.4 kW Solar PV System installed after the factory opens)
3. Panel Pre-purchase for Yourself - $10,000
($10,000 purchase for 5.4 kW Solar Pv system for
yourself and also utilize the 30% Federal Tax Credit)
Thank you to our Founders Circle Donors thus far:
SOLAR CIRCLE $50,000+: Harvey Mudd, Devon Hartman
NET ZERO HERO $10,000+: Lizz and Ethan Adams, Freeman Allen, Suzanne Beaumaster, Emily Beierle-O'Brien, Beth Benjamin, Mike Caldwell, Don Gould, Randall Lewis, Joe Lyons, Don Pattison, Kathi and Jeff Pryor, Ryan and Melissa Zimmerman, Haynes Foundation
ENERGY ADVOCATE $1,000+: Dennis and Jenny Allen, John Cobb, Betsy Coffman, Richard Haskell, John Holliday, Sally Seven, John Shipman, Alan and Norma Williamson, SVPLA
SUNSHINE SUPPORTER: Teo Alfero, Janice Beierle, Mary Beierle, Kristin Beierle , Meghan Beierle O'Brien, Beth Benjamin, Carol Bradford, Jonathan Budner, Marcus Castain, Betsy Cliine, Amy Conroy, Peter Coye, Christopher Crain, Chelsea Davidoff, Dianne Debicella, Candy K Deemer, Kenneth Deemer, Aaron Dyer, Enid Eckert, Kristen Edwards, Cindy and Steve Erb, Tom Erb, Marta Farro, Richard Fass, Kenneth Frank, Deborah Freund, Polina Goncharova, Michael Griffin, Geoff Hammil, Whitney Hanlon, Keck Hartman, Diane Helfrey, Lydia Henry, Eric Huizar, Cecily Jackson Zapata, Katrina Keil, Patricia Kernahan, Kent Kernahan , Benjamin King, Catherine Lundy, Sarah Mahin, James Manifold, Rebecca Margiotta, Jack Meek, Karen Mosher, Layton Olson, Richard Olson, Sam Pedroza, Joanne Peterson, Carl Pon, Susan Pon, Dan and Susette Possnack, Rhonda Raider, John Rauschelbach, Margaret Russell, Elliott Schwartz, Amber Sheikh Ginsberg, Roberta Shintani, Sorrel Stielstra, Jamie Sutherland, Stephani Sutherland, Victoria Thurlow, Merrill Ting, Patrick Wilson, Richard Worthington, Anonymous, Calif Community Foundation, Social Innovatus
Donate TODAY!
Be part of the Founders Circle,
FIRST $450,000

PHASE 2 - Solar Panel Factory
Phase II of fundraising will allow us to rent approx. $5,000 sq. ft. of assembly space, purchase necessary equipment, tools and machinery to create work-space layout, train initial employees, purchase materials and create the first UL approved solar panels
This will initiate Phase 3+4
Phase 1 Goal: 350,000
Phase 2 Goal: $2.1 M

Raise $350,000 for GEN3 Prototype Solar Panel System licensing agreement and ComparisonTesting System at the
Harvey Mudd Clinic.
PHASE I - Protype Solar Panel Testing

Phase 1 Goal: 450,000
Nested Fundraising Phases for LGP


Raise $2 Million
for Solar Panel Factory
Phase II of fundraising will allow us to rent approx. $5,000 sq. ft. of assembly space, purchase necessary equipment, tools and machinery to create work-space layout, train initial employees, purchase materials and create the first UL approved solar panels