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“Claremont is combining cutting-edge solar technology with enlightened

macro-economics to dramatically cut CO2 emissions while stimulating

both the state's and our local economy."

larry schroeder  |  mayor of claremont

Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 10.18.32


Devon Hartman

Harvey Mudd College



NET ZERO HERO $10,000+

Lizz and Ethan Adams

Freeman Allen

Suzanne Beaumaster

Emily Beierle-O'Brien

Beth Benjamin

Mike Caldwell

Don Gould

Randall Lewis

Haynes Foundation

Joe Lyons

Don Pattison

Kathi and Jeff Pryor

Ryan and Melissa       Zimmerman















Betsy Coffman

John Holliday

Sally Seven

John Cobb


Dennis and Jenny Allen

Richard Haskell

John Shipman

Alan and Norma












Karen Mosher

John Cobb

Enid Eckert

Geoff Hammil

Richard Olson

Jamie Sutherland

Carol Bradford

Richard Worthington

Betsy Cliine

Jack Meek

Sam Pedroza

Emily Beierle-O'Brien

Peter Coye

Kenneth Deemer

Candy K Deemer

Aaron Dyer

Cindy/Steve Erb

Marta Farro

Deborah  Freund

Whitney Hanlon

Eric Huizar

Cecily Jackson Zapata

Benjamin King

Joe Lyons

James Manifold

Dan and SusettePossnack

Margaret Russell

Elliott Schwartz

Beth Benjamin

Jonathan Budner


Christopher Crain

Diane Helfrey

Lydia Henry

Catherine Lundy

Layton Olson

Patrick Wilson

Sorrel Steilstra







































Teo Alfero

Chelsea Davidoff

Richard Fass

Kenneth  Frank

Joanne Peterson

Roberta Shintani

Stephani Sutherland

Rebecca Margiotta

Mary Beierle

Janice Beierle

Kristen Edwards

Polina  Goncharova

Patricia Kernahan

Kent Kernahan

Sarah Mahin

Keck Hartman

Marcus Castain

Tom Erb

Michael  Griffin

Carl Pon

Susan  Pon

Daniel Possnack

Rhonda Raider

Amber Sheikh Ginsberg

Victoria Thurlow

Katrina Keil

Kristin Beierle

Meghan Beierle O'brien

Merrill Ting

Dianne Debicella

John Rauschelbach
































NET ZERO HERO $10,000+

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